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Clementine Smoothie Recipe "Tur Tur"

Clementine Smoothie Recipe

The Clementine Smoothie contains ingredients that at first glance would suggest a different result. Beet leaves and black cabbage have tart, strong flavors and are signs of an advanced smoothie. However, the result becomes mild and friendly when they are skillfully combined.

I once added unpeeled clementines, ripe mango and bananas - I was surprised by the positive response. Even the smallest tester (9 months) was highly satisfied. You have to try the clementine smoothie at least once!

Clementines smoothie

"Mr. Tur Tur"
Prep Time 10 Min
Perform Time 5 Min
Total Time 15 Min
Amount 450 ml
Calories 400 kcal
Cuisine Smoothie
Author Svenja from
Clementines smoothie
5 / 5 out of 1060 Reviews


  • 5 beet leaves
  • 3-5 black cabbage leaves palm kale
  • 1 handful of spinach large
  • 2 bananas small, ripe
  • 1 mango ripe
  • 2 clementines
  • 1/2 peel of a clementine
  • water as needed


  1. Clean the ingredients and cut them to the appropriate size for your blender.
  2. Put everything in the container and blend for 45-60 seconds until you reach a smooth, creamy consistency.
  3. Enjoy your smoothie with all your heart!

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Svenja from

Green smoothies have been my replacement for morning cerals since 2009. They are inspiring, delicious and speak for themselves. They fit into our lives with five kids and lots of joy in creative healthy cooking. I really love to prepare or create new smoothies. Inspired by the Green Smoothie, I combine two of my passions with my job: taking pictures and working with food.

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2 | Comment(s)

Elvira Duggal
I've been reading here about "Palmkohl - Schwarzkohl und Kale" (black kale). I only know of kale from the USA, but I haven't been able to find it anywhere here. Even organic markets don't seem to have it. Where can one get it?
Elvira Duggal from Cologne.
Katharina Göbel
Dear Elvira, palm and kale are only in season again starting in autumn, so unfortunately you won't find them now. From September, October onwards, however, your chances will be good again. And during that time, you can usually get kale easily in organic stores. Palm kale is another name for black kale - it is offered a bit less frequently. I sometimes found it at Denn's Biomarkt. Perhaps this organic supermarket chain exists in Cologne as well. Otherwise, you can also find cabbage easily starting from autumn at the markets. Best regards, Katharina.